5 Tips to Extend the Life of Your Carpet


Proper carpet maintenance is an important part of extending the life of your carpet and keeping your home looking clean and inviting. You don't want to risk having the stains on your carpet set in and become impossible to remove, so it's important to stay on top of Carpet Cleaning in Melbourne with these 5 tips to extend the life of your carpet.

1) Vacuum Regularly

If you want your carpet to last as long as possible, vacuuming regularly is essential. It is best to vacuum once a week in each room. You can vacuum more often if you have pets or if you spill a lot of liquids that might soil your carpet. 

Another important thing is not using water to clean up spills; this will just create more stains and cost more in the long run for professional Carpet Cleaning Melbourne services.

2) Use Rugs in High-Traffic Areas

Carpet cleaning is one way to extend the life of your carpet, but there are others. One way is by using rugs in high-traffic areas. This will limit wear and tear on your carpeting and make cleanups easier since you can just take off the rug when it becomes dirty instead of having to vacuum it.

3) Change the Way You Walk on Your Carpets

One way you can extend the life of your carpets is by adjusting how you walk on them. Be mindful when you walk on carpets, and try not to drag your feet. Dragging your feet can cause scuff marks that will show up over time. 

carpet cleaning

Instead, lift your foot up high enough off the ground so that it doesn't touch the carpet before lowering it back down again. This will help limit scuff marks!

4) Invest in Slip-Resistant Flooring

If you want a long-lasting carpet, you need to consider slip-resistant flooring. This type of flooring is made with different materials than traditional carpets and can help prevent accidents. 

With this type of flooring, your homeowner's insurance may cover any accidents that happen in your home. Additionally, it's less likely that something will fall on your carpet and ruin it, which will keep your carpet looking like new for years!

5) Seek Professional Cleaning Services Once a Year

When you schedule a yearly professional Carpet Cleaning in Melbourne, you will be removing dirt, debris, and stains that could have accumulated over the course of the year. This will help extend your carpet's life by a significant amount because it will be able to absorb more liquid before becoming saturated. 

It is also important that you vacuum your carpets regularly, so they don't get dirty as quickly. This can be done by using an attachment or hose at least once a week. 

Another way to keep your carpet looking newer for longer is by not walking on it with shoes on inside your home or office. The oils from your feet can cause damage and wrinkles in the fibers and should only be used outdoors in order to protect them from premature wear.


The best way to extend the life of your carpet is by being mindful. Take care not only when you walk on it but also when you clean it.



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